Walk-a-Thon Schedule
6:30 AM Set-up begins
8:00 AM Walk-A-Thon Registration opens in Room 20, Art Room
8:30 AM Hot breakfast and coffee opens
Kids’ Raffle opens
8:45 AM Warm-ups in front of the GLC; walkers assemble, look for your teacher(s)!
9:00 AM Walk-A-Thon starts! First lap led by Monte and classes walk together with teachers
9:15 AM Bake Sale opens for breakfast pastries
10:00 AM Kids’ Activities open
Fire Truck Arrives (to be confirmed)
Bake Sale treat items available
10:30 AM Kids’ Carnival Snack booths open
11:30 AM Lunch tables open
Kids’ Raffle drawings commence (every 30 minutes, final at 1:30 pm)
2:00 PM Walk-a-Thon Final lap led by Monte
Food booths close / Bake Sale closes
Walkers return lap cards to Registration in Room 20, Art Room
Kids’ Activities close
2:15 PM Clean up begins – many hands make light work!
2:30 PM Registration room closes
IT TAKES A VILLAGE: Sign-up to volunteer today!
We need 400 volunteers to put on WATSA, including over 150 parent volunteers to help with lap punches, registration and more. Community service hours are available to students 9th grade and up.
Sign-up for your Walk-a-Thon volunteer shift or use this QR Code (and share with any high schoolers who need service hours)
Key Dates:
April 1-2: Drop off drink donations in the school office. Check the newsletter for your drink assignment.
April 5: Drop-off Bake Sale and Cake Walk items, tables, coolers and awnings
April 6: Walk-a-Thon DAY! (8 a.m.-2 p.m.)
April 12: Walk-a-Thon sponsorships due. Check the leaderboard.